
|| Pilates ||

Pilates Studio in Porto. Pilates Machines, Pilates Reformer, Pilates Mat, Pilates Ball 

Complete Pilates studio in Porto (reformer, cadillac, barrel, wunda chair). Pilates classes in Porto private or small groups. . Joseph Pilates, martial arts and boxing instructor, developed this method for mind and body training, core strengthening, stability and general toning. The Pilates method is an individualized workout carefully tailored to each person, based on a complete system in which the various parts of the training fit together in a structured way to achieve specific goals. Includes series of repeated movements to train strength, flexibility and balance. A Pilates session typically includes training on the Reformer, on a mat and one or two additional machines depending on your goals. Together, it's a powerful flexibility workout, body posture correction and muscle stimulation. Pilates develops general fitness and core muscles and is used for rehabilitation and physical therapy as well as elite training.

A Pilates Mat class is a strength and stretching workout focused on the core muscles (abdominal, back and lumbar), glutes, arms and legs. It's a workout based on body weight and small equipment like balls and rubber bands. The “the hundred” exercise is perhaps the most famous of the pilates mat classes, it is unbeatable for burning abs.

Pilates class using the balls for balance and core strengthening exercises, complete with equipment such as elastic bands and a magic circle

Pilates matwork in the Ganban Room, with temperature of 30ºc, 70% humidity and immersive sound system. Hot Body, Cool Mind!